Entries by CareerEdge

Bridges To Careers For Low-Skilled Workers In Manatee, Sarasota

A new service being launched by CareerEdge will help build new careers for healthcare workers in Manatee and Sarasota counties. Seeded with a $75,000 grant from Jane’s Trust, the pilot program will focus on preparing young residents in low-income areas for career-path jobs through training and support services. It will primarily target the neighborhoods of […]

CareerEdge Funders Collaborative Announces New Healthcare Workforce Grants

CareerEdge Funders Collaborative announces new healthcare workforce grants totaling $289,619 over the next 12- months to five healthcare organizations in Manatee and Sarasota Counties.  CareerEdge will develop a partnership with the healthcare employers they are funding to assist employers in identifying, understanding and addressing the challenges they are experiencing in hiring, retaining and advancing their […]

National designation for local workforce collaborative

Manatee and Sarasota County will become the nation’s newest National Fund for Workforce Solutions site, thanks to work by CareerEdge Funders Collaborative of Manatee & Sarasota (CEFC), formerly known as the Manatee Sarasota Workforce Funders Collaborative. CareerEdge is the only Nationally Designated Funder for Workforce Solutions inFlorida. The National Fund for Workforce Solutions is delighted […]

New Workforce Effort Seeks to Boost Wages

A new workforce collaborative announced the injection of more than $1.5 million in funding commitments to help move low-income workers in Manatee and Sarasota counties into higher paying jobs. The Manatee Sarasota Workforce Funders Collaborative unveiled plans to focus initially on healthcare workers in the region. Healthcare was identified by leaders as one of the […]

Local workforce group pushes for $450,000

By GRACE GAGLIANO – ggagliano@bradenton.com The CareerEdge Funders Collaborative Manatee Sarasota spent Wednesday showcasing its plans to train workers for higher-skilled, higher-paying jobs to a group of national workforce officials. The local organization wants to gain national designation from the National Fund for Workforce Solutions, an accreditation that could bring $150,000 a year over the next three […]

Reps from National Fund for Workforce Solution to Visit Aug. 4

Representatives from the National Fund for Workforce Solution will visit the two-county region of their latest branch in Manatee and Sarasota counties on Aug. 4, a final step for the Manatee Sarasota Workforce Funders Collaborative gaining a national designation. The National Fund for Workforce Solutions is dedicated to preparing jobseekers and employees for a career, […]

Local Workforce Funders Collaborative Hires New Director

Mireya C. Eavey has been hired as the new director for the Manatee-Sarasota Workforce Funders Collaborative, a group made up of public, corporate and private-philanthropic contributors dedicated to preparing low-skilled workers in the two-county region for higher paying jobs. Ms. Eavey previously was the workforce and project manager for the Sarasota County Economic Development Corporation […]

Manatee and Sarasota Counties

Manatee and Sarasota Counties — The Manatee Sarasota Workforce Funders Collaborative plans to dole out $1.5 million over the next three years for job training. The first of the grants includes $19,350 to Tidewell Hospice and Palliative Care to train and certify 60 registered nurses and $5,500 to Village on the Isle to teach workers about electronic […]

New Bradenton Workforce Collaborative Launches with Knight Support

An emerging, two-county workforce collaborative will provide a wide range of education, training and support services with dual goals: helping prepare local residents for higher skilled jobs while providing businesses with the workers they need to remain competitive. The collaborative, an intermediary between workers and potential employers, will focus on four industries – healthcare, manufacturing, […]

Manatee Sarasota Workforce Funders Collaborative secures $1.5M

A new work force collaborative in Manatee and Sarasota counties has received a $1 million grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and additional funding to launch programs. The Manatee Sarasota Workforce Funders Collaborative focuses on moving low-wage workers into higher-paying jobs while providing businesses with skilled employees, a release said. The collaborative is […]