Entries by CareerEdge

Middle School College Campus Tours

CareerEdge Helps Middle Schoolers Visit College Campuses CareerEdge and the Education Foundation of Sarasota County have partnered to coordinate local college campus visits for Sarasota County 7th graders.  The tours are designed to help increase college attainment and to raise awareness for the many resources available to students to help them get to college.  The […]

CareerEdge, MTC Completes Successful Pilot Program

Given the high demand for skilled workers in our region, CareerEdge is partnering with local educational institutions to provide short-term programs in order to quickly move individuals into apprenticeship-based occupations in the trades. CareerEdge partnered with Manatee Technical College on the Plumbing and Electrician programs by helping to recruit individuals, providing funding for the courses […]

CareerEdge Partners with Manatee Technical College to Fill Plumbing and Electrical Jobs

  Sarasota FL. (October 31, 2017): CareerEdge Funders Collaborative announces the completion of another “express” training course with the graduation of 16 individuals in Manatee Technical College’s pilot program in Plumbing and Electrical service. Given the high demand for skilled workers in our region, CareerEdge is partnering with local educational institutions to provide short-term programs […]

Sarasota County’s Working Population and Future Change

The Sarasota Herald Tribune shared a series on the major impact of population growth, age and skills gaps in our working population and other important economic factors.  Mireya Eavey, Executive Director of CareerEdge and Sarasota Area President of United Way Suncoast, and other CareerEdge Funders all offered expertise on these topics and how we can better prepare […]

Fall Newsletter 2017

Check out the 2017 Fall Newsletter Content Includes: High School Student’s Begin ‘Career Quest’ Senator Rubio’s Staff Visits PGT Industries Automotive Technicians Graduate from “Express” Program CareerEdge Visits Interns Employer Partnership Spotlight: Manufacturing Florida Chamber and the Future of Florida’s Workforce

Manatee Technical College Job Fair

Manatee Technical College in partnership with CareerEdge offered a Express Class in Plumbing and Electrician that was tuition free for 15 individuals in each program.  Culminating the program was a job fair for the graduates, featuring 10 local employers from plumbing and electrical companies.  Starting wages for these entry-level plumbing and electrical technician positions are approximately $15 per hour, […]

The Value of Internships

CareerEdge recently had the opportunity to talk with 4 interns from the Internship Reimbursement Program.  CareerEdge received tours of the organizations where the college students worked throughout the summer, and spoke with them about their experiences.  The young professionals expressed their appreciation for having a job that not only helped to support them financially, but […]

Rubio’s staff visiting PGT to explore skills gap and workforce policy

Senator Marco Rubio’s staff visited PGT industries October 4, 2017.  CareerEdge shared the importance of collaboration between employers and workforce development organizations in the closing of skills gaps and getting people jobs.  To learn more about the visit, read an article by the Sarasota Herald Tribune, here. The full press release for the visit can be […]