Study: Wages Increase 12 Percent Within First Year for ‘Bridges to Careers’ Participants

Study: Wages Increase 12 Percent Within First Year for ‘Bridges to Careers’ Participants

Additionally, in 2020 CareerEdge trained 184 workers and assisted 523 workers in earning raises.

CareerEdge’s annual independent, third-party evaluation found that its “Bridges to Careers” participants saw an average wage gain of 12 percent after the first year of training. A comparison between the 2019 and 2020 evaluations shows that Fast Track participants’ average ending hourly wages have increased from $16.48 to $17.42 in just one year. For the increase in wages to take place during the Covid-19 pandemic demonstrates the impact CareerEdge’s conversations have had with employers around the importance of offering career laddering opportunities.  Read More